
Suicide Attempt Violence: Gender Differences, Diagnosis and Psychiatric Care Seeking in Mexico City
Juárez-Domínguez D.A., Arteaga-Contreras K.M., Rangel H.C.
The rising cases of suicide among Nigerians: what are the risk factors, prevention, and remedies?
Abamara N.C., Ozongwu O.E.
Modeling Suicidality Risks and Understanding the Phenomenon of Suicidality Under the Loupe of Pandemic Context: National Findings of the COMET-G Study in the Russian Population
Syunyakov T.S., Pavlichenko A.V., Morozov P.V., Fedotov I.A., Filatova V.E., Gayduk A.J., Ignatenko Y.S., Spikina A.A., Yashikhina A.A., Patsali M.E., Fountoulakis K.N., Smirnova D.A.
Problems with Suicidal Behavior Prevention in Adolescents: a Narrative Literature Review
Pichikov A.A., Popov Y.V.
Telomere Length as a Marker of Suicidal Risk in Schizophrenia
Zakharova N.V., Bravve L.V., Mamedova G.S., Kaydan M.A., Ershova E.S., Martynov A.V., Veiko N.N., Kostyuk S.V.
Psychosocial and Psychiatric Factors Associated with Expected Fatality during Suicide Attempt in Men and Women
Rozanov V.A.
Monitoring of Intentional Self-Harm as a Tool to Detect Mental Disorders and Improve Access to Psychiatric Care
Boev O.I., Bychkova O.G.
Non-suicidal self-injuries and suicide risk in adolescent girls with eating disorders: associations with weight control, body mass index, and interpersonal sensitivity
Polskaya N.A., Basova A.Y., Razvaliaeva A.Y., Yakubovskaya D.K., Vlasova N.V., Abramova A.A.
Factors associated with lifetime history of eating disorder in non-psychotic patients with suicidal ideation
Kustov G.V., Zinchuk M.S., Popova S.B., Mishin I.N., Voinova N.I., Yakovlev A.A., Akzhigitov R.G.
Connection of Suicidal Behavior with COVID-19: Clinical Cases
Prokopovich G.A.
Suicides in the COVID-19 Pandemic — Are We Well Informed Regarding Current Risks and Future Prospects?
Rozanov V.A., Semenova N.V., Vuks A.J., Freize V.V., Isakov V.D., Yagmurov O.D., Neznanov N.G.
1 - 11 of 11 Items

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